Proactive Solution

Skin Care Articles

Guthy Renker Corporation

Great Skin Care Solutions

Dermatologists recommend using the same skin care routine everyday. These routines don't need to be fancy or costly, and can be used alone or along with a more serious skin care treatment.

Fighting acne with Progressive Treatments

For maximum skin care benefits, the basic routine is usually insufficient, especially for people over 30. The addition of a well-selected product or two with wisely chosen, scientifically proven active ingredients can further improve your results. For secondary products to work well with your regimen you must use them properly. For example if you try and use the secondary medicine without proper cleansing, it will not be 100% effective because it will not work past the oil and dirt on the skin. The over use of the cleansers can also diminish the results of the medication, so be sure and do the research before mixing products.

Common Treatments

A normal skin care system would contain the following steps: washing/cleansing, toning (optional depending on skin type), moisturizing and protection from the sun light.

For most people, performing the routine 2 times daily is best. Some people with dry and/or sensitive skin may do better with once a day washing/cleansing but moisturizing 2 or more times a day. Most experts agree that the routine should incorporate exfoliation, but not in excess. one or two times a week is sufficient for exfoliation, however some can go without any exfoliation.

One of the most important parts of the routine can be preservation from the UV rays, sunscreen should be used as the last part anytime there will be exposure to the sun. Some people use cosmetics with added UV blockers. It is always better than no sun protection at all and a time saver too. However, using a separate, specially formulated sunscreen appears to be more effective.

The System for You

Everyone has a different skin type, so the standard routine needs to be adjusted to work best with your skin. Skin can change from a many factors like weather, diet, or age. One change can come from menopause, women have been know to go from oily skin to dry skin after going through menopause. An abrupt change in the diet can also impact the skin, a diet that has more fat will cause the skin to produce more oil.. people don't need to be as alert when in the sun.

You need to add secondary products between cleaning and moisturizing while the skin is almost dry to create maximum results.. Since many of the active treatments have moisturizing ingredients, you can usually skip a separate product whenever you apply such a product. If you think you need additional moisturizing, wait a few minutes for the active product to finish, and then apply your favorite moisturizer over it.

Guthy Renker Corporation

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