Proactive Solution

Skin Care Articles

Guthy Renker Corporation

The Key to Young Skin

Doctors advocate using the same skin care routine daily. These treatments don't need to be elaborate or expensive, and can be used unaided or along with a more severe skin care product.

Choosing The Best Regimens for you

Everyone has a different skin type, so the standard routine needs to be adjusted to work best with your skin. Skin can change from a wide variety of factors such as weather, diet, or age. One huge change can be a result of menopause, women have been know to go from oily skin to dry skin while going through menopause. A change in the diet can also change the skin, a diet that contains more fat will cause the skin to produce more oil.. Although UV rays can damage any skin, the pigmentation of skin makes a difference in the kind of sunscreen needed. Light skin needs more attention while dark skinned.

Battling acne with Radical Medicines

For maximum skin care benefits, the basic regimen is usually insufficient, especially for people over 30. The addition of a well-selected product or two with wisely chosen, scientifically proven active ingredients can further improve your results. For secondary products to work well with your regimen you must use them properly. For example if you try and use the secondary treatment without proper cleansing, it will not be 100% effective because it will not work past the oil and dirt on the skin. The over use of the cleansers can also reduce the results of the medication, so be sure to do the research prior to mixing products.

Ideal Regimens

The most common daily routine for skin care would require washing, toning, moisturizing, sun protection.

The majority of patients have the best luck with twice daily skin care, however for people with sensitive or dry skin it is better to use it only once while moisturizing more often. Some dermatologists feel that exfoliation should also be part of a standard regimen. However, daily exfoliation can be excessive and could possibly lead to chronic irritation in some people. Exfoliation once or twice a week is usually sufficient. People with fast natural epidermal turnover may need less or none at all.

Protection from ultraviolet light (both UVA and UVB) is critical for any skin care regimen. A good UNA+UVB sun block can be applied on top of your moisturizer and other products as the last part of the routine if sun exposure is expected. It is always best to use a single product for protection from the sun, however some people like to use cosmetics that contain sunblock to save time.

A good time to use secondary products is right after you washed/cleansed, rinsed and slightly patted your skin with a towel, i.e. when your skin is clean, warm and still slightly moist. Since many of the active treatments have moisturizing ingredients, you can usually skip a separate product whenever you apply such a product. If you think you need additional moisturizing, wait a few minutes for the active product to absorb, and then apply any moisturizer over it.

Guthy Renker Corporation

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