Proactive Solution

Aerobic & Cardio Articles

Guthy Renker Corporation

What is the Deal with Anaerobics and Why is it Good For Me?

Working out is a thing that everyone on the earth needs to participate in. For a good constitution and a happy quality of life, cardiovascular fitness is necessary no matter who you are. Aspects of life can be better in all types of various ways with it's numerous advantages. Aerobic and anaerobic are the two kinds of cardiovascular exercise. Why do we need to be involved in either of these?

Exertion that is lower in activity and longer in duration is called aerobic exercise. The definition of aerobic means with air or with oxygen. It is done to train the body to be more energetic for increased periods of time. It is commonly called endurance training or cross training. Some aerobic exercises include; walking, jogging, biking, or swimming. To keep the body's energy level, a vast amount of oxygen is required to produce the necessary energy. Aerobic exertion is essential for optimal health and improved performance.

Muscle fatigue occurs when lactic acid is produced. Before more anaerobic is attempted the muscles must use this lactic acid up in a rest period. During anaerobics, oxygen is used by the muscles to restore burned energy. Training makes lactic acid removal in the body more effective. A few examples of anaerobic exercise are; sprinting, hill climbing, running intervals, jumping rope, and other activities that require large spurts of energy.

Even though it builds muscle and lean body mass, generally less calories are burned during an anaerobic workout session than an aerobic session. As more energy is burned with muscle that replaces fat cells, muscle and lean body mass inceaseIncreased muscle mass leads to lost weight and a leaner figure as muscle groups burn more energy than fat cells. A shortage of oxygen to the muscles occurs when you start to exercise anaerobically. Handling fatigue becomes easier as the body is trained more with anaerobic exercise. As the fitness level increases, the body produces less lactic acid and the disposal of it from the blood becomes more efficient. With increased muscle capacity, the groups can operate from 12% - 50% more effectively, allowing the body to gain higher levels of lactic acid during activities. When greater exertion level activities are performed in a shorter amount of time it is known as anaerobic exercise. The term anaerobic means without air or without oxygen. As the body is exherted in very hard activities it develops a by-product called lactic acid to maintain it's energy. While aerobic exercise is done to enhance endurance, anaerobic activity is to raise strength for times when big amounts of energy are necessary in a small time.

Anaerobic activity is generally for athletes who have already obtained a certain amount of health and are trying to increase speed, agility, and strength. People need to do a good bit of aerobics warming up and muscle stretching before and after an anaerobic exercise session. It is not a good idea to participate in anaerobic exercise if you are pregnant. Also, if you are a novice to physical activity, you should begin at about 50% intensity rate for your particular fitness degree.

Guthy Renker Corporation

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What is Going On with Anaerobics and Why is it Good For Everyone
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What is Going On with Anaerobics and What is it that makes it Necessary For Everybody?


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