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September 13, 2005


Today, approximately 8 Crescat readers will be excited to know, is the Sixth Season premiere of the Gilmore Girls. The online consensus appears to be that the show took a turn for the worse sometime around when Rory went to Yale and went from being an endearing precocious brat to a not-so-endearing not-so-precocious brat.

At any rate, many questions of romantic and parental inter- and in-dependence will perhaps be answered. Or perhaps not.

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The bulldozers roll

The New London Development Council has decided to ignore the non-binding moratorium adopted by the Connecticut legislature earlier this summer, and begin eviction proceedings over two of the properties related to the Kelo case, rather than wait around for the legislature to reform the eminent domain laws.

It is unclear as of yet whether the legislature will have the political will to stop the NLDC; I tend to think not if it can get away with it. There was some brief thought about statutorily eliminating the city of New London. I wonder whether the crazies who are going after Justice Souter's house would be interested in the project.

UPDATE: Via the Connecticut Law Blog I see that the notices are not technically "eviction" notices (despite the headline of the linked piece).

UPDATE: And yet.

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Umpire Roberts

John Roberts compared being a Supreme Court Justice to being an umpire last night. At the Volokh Conspiracy, Jim Lindgren investigates the umpire-Justice analogy in the context of an old joke about umpires.

I once wrote a paper for Judge Posner's class about the same joke (using Aristotle, Aquinas, and Holmes as my umpires). My point was that we can see how the analogy breaks down by considering the presence of arbitration and concession in legal battles.

As Angus Dwyer points out, there are other ramifications, but that will do.

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