Proactive Solution

Anti Aging Articles

Guthy Renker Corporation

Food and Anti-aging; Is it Genuinely Obtainable?

Some people believe there is some secret method used to stop the effects of aging, however the truth is that there nothing other than to live a healthy life style. The most important part of the anti aging battle is the right nutrition and diet.. The old adage you are what you eat is absolutely true. It is impossible to expect to be healthy and vital if we are not eating the nutrients we require to keep our bodies performing at its bestYou can't expect to appear healthy if you maintain a poor diet. The food you consume and the life you live will show in your face, so remember to eat like you would like to appear.

But of course, how you lose weight is equally as important, if not more, than just losing weight. If you lose weight from unhealthy weight loss diets, you could be unbalancing your hormones even more. Don't use starvation as a diet, always go slow and steady while maintaining a healthy diet. By doing this the correct way you will become more healthy as well as getting in shape, so there is no reason not do it the right way. There are also other anti aging perks to eating healthy and losing weight. Maintaining a healthy diet reduces free radical production through proper nutrition, which is a powerful anti-aging technique, as well as reducing the risk of getting different kinds of cancer. Also it is able to help to reduce cholesterol and bring triglycerides to a good level.

professionals think that the rise of lifestyle diseases are because of the consumption of junk food and bad diets. The only way to fix this issue is to discontinue eating unhealthy foods and consume more whole foods. Processed foods have close to no vitamins left in them they are called empty calories. But even worse than that, the Chemicals,additives, and preservatives that that these products contain interfere with many bodily functions including hormones. The bad thing about this is that toxins could cause estrogen dominance. This is a condition that causes the estrogen levels to raise high enough to be over that of the progesterone. Unfortunately there are a plethora of different factors in todays life that will contribute to this problem, from stress to bad food and even the environment we live in! The hormonal imbalances caused by Estrogen Dominance have many poor effects on the body and can make you look a lot older by triggering many symptoms like poor memory, weight gain, darkened skin pigmentation, water retention and much, much more. Estrogen Dominance also raises the risk of many lifestyle diseases such as cancer, fibrocystic breasts, breast cancer, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and others. Estrogen Dominance is much more common than we think due to to the way we live. And it is happening to women at younger and younger ages, even as early as 20! So how do you combat estrogen dominance? One of the most important differences you can make is losing weight if you are overweight, because it causes a vicious cycle of hormonal imbalances and weight gain, especially in the abdominal area.

The reason you can't crash diet is when you eat full healthy meals the metabolism will speed up and causes you to lose weight. Dieting can be the best ways of slowing down your metabolism, which will make losing weight almost impossible. Yo-yo dieting is a good example of this. Every time you lose weight and get it back, you are decreasing your metabolism to where each subsequent diet gets more and more difficult. It is also recommended to make some simple changes to your diet so that the food you eat stabilizes your blood sugar levels and reduces insulin in turn improving insulin resistance. This can assist in the battle against diabetes. One other bit of information most people don't understand is that maintaining a good, balanced diet helps your liver! And when your liver works better, your body detoxifies more efficiently, which improves all areas of the body including cellulite reduction the natural way, also supporting your immune system which is of course very important for great health.

Guthy Renker Corporation

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Food and Anti-aging; Is it Genuinely Obtainable?
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