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February 28, 2006

Poem of the Night

Michelangelo Buonarotti
a Tommaso de' Cavalieri

Sonnet 30

Veggio co' bei vostri occhi un dolce lume,
Che co' miei ciechi già veder non posso;
Porto co' vostri piedi un pondo addosso,
Che de' mie'zoppi non è già costume.

Volo con le vostr'ale senza piume;
Col vostr'ingegno al ciel sempre son mosso;
Dal vostr'arbitrio son pallido e rosso,
Freddo al sol, caldo alle più fredde brume.

Nel voler vostro è sol la voglia mia,
I mie' pensier nel vostro cor si fanno,
Nel vostro fiato son le mie parole.

Come luna da sè sol par ch'io sia;
Chè gli occhi nostri in ciel veder non sanno
Se non quel tanto che n'accende il sole.

With your fair eyes a charming light I see,
For which my own blind eyes would peer in vain;
Stayed by your feet the burden I sustain
Which my lame feet find all too strong for me;
Wingless upon your pinions forth I fly;
Heavenward your spirit stirreth me to strain;
E’en as you will, I blush and blanch again,
Freeze in the sun, burn ’neath a frosty sky.
Your will includes and is the lord of mine;
Life to my thoughts within your heart is given;
My words begin to breathe upon your breath:
Like to the moon am I, that cannot shine
Alone; for lo! our eyes see nought in heaven
Save what the living sun illumineth.


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Responses to Kelo

My classmate Judy Coleman and IJer Steven Anderson are debating about legislative responses to Kelo over at the Legal Affairs Debate Club. While my political and legal sympathies lie eminently with IJ on this issue, I share some of Judy's misgivings about reform efforts thus far.

Judges tend to be notoriously bad agents of the people who enact constitutional provisions or legislation to set forth rules far into the future (or even not that far). This suggests that structural reform might be more effective here than simply renaming the legal standards so that they can be mis-applied by a new round of Justice Peckhams. But what structures?

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I could have sworn that I posted last night a bad pastiche of Henry David Thoreau with links to PG's report on the Fed Society symposium's substance and Carina's report on the symposium's coffee (too scarce) and cash bar (too pricey).

I must be hallucinating.

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Felicitations to blogging friends

Jacob Levy has a new home.

Angus Dwyer is engaged.

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