Proactive Solution

Yeast Infection Articles

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Common Causes for a Female Yeast Infection

Candidiasis, or a yeast infection as it is more commonly known, is a common disorder that affects millions of females and males around the world. Here are some of the most common causes for Candidiasis in women.

Candidiasis, the scientific name for what is more commonly known as a yeast infection, is a common disorder that many people think is exclusive to females of the world. The fact is anybody of any age, sex, race, or nationality can experience problems with Candida albicans, the fungus that causes a yeast infection. In fact, with yeast infections in babies so common, it is said that up to 75% of the world’s population will have problems with Cadidiasis at some time in their lives. Infection in males is less common but that could be because they are often unwitting carriers who show little or no symptoms while being infected.

If you are female, you are probably more aware of Candidiasis or at least know someone who does. There are a lot of factors that can contribute to a yeast infection. These mainly involve changes in the environment around your body and inside your body. As the body’s defenses are reduced and broken down the probability of catching a yeast infection increases. These can be physical or mental aspects that are both damaging.

First off, there are a number of things that a woman can take into her body that will increase the chances of her catching a case of Candidiasis. Birth control pills can greatly increase the chances of infection by raising the level of progesterone, the female hormone that candida albicans thrive in. This is also true for women who are taking certain kinds of Hormone Replacement Therapy, or HRT. Another possible cause is if you are taking some form of antibiotics. Antibiotics kill bacteria in our systems. The problem is that our bodies contain certain essential bacteria that are necessary for digestion and absorption that are also killed when we take the antibiotics. This can lead to a weakened immune system and make us more susceptible to yeast infections. Even if you are not on antibiotics, you may still be affected just by the diet you eat! Animal meats and products nowadays contain more and more antibiotics that are found in the foods we eat. These antibiotics cannot be cooked out and could lead to harmful bacteria growing stronger in the immune system.

Another major factor for women today is stress. If our bodies are stressed out they produce chemicals that change our chemical makeup in the digestive system and weaken the immune system. As candida albicans spreads throughout the digestive system, it produces a toxin that will compete with the body’s normal bacteria for food and nutrients.

Another major cause of yeast infections are the external changes in the environment. Often women can catch a yeast infection simply from having excess moisture on or around the affected area. Wearing loose fitting clothes that breathe well and help keep the body dry can prevent this. If you exercise or perspire, try to wipe off any excess sweat from the skin as soon as possible and keep areas dry. Remember, fungus loves moisture and darkness, so try to keep your body as dry as possible and soon you’ll be back to a normal yeast-free life.

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