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October 24, 2004

If it works for Hollywood...

During a pitching change during Game 2 of the World Series, Fox cut to the stands for an on-the-spot interview of Jimmy Fallon and Tom Hanks, both of whom hawked their current movie projects. Hanks was wearing a Boston cap, and said that as an American you "have to be rooting for the Red Sox."

This sequence not only confirmed my view that John Kerry should be wearing a Red Sox cap 24/7, but also led me to conclude that Kerry should definitely be at Fenway Park next weekend if the series returns to Boston for Games 6 and 7. Consider how much (surely positive) media coverage Kerry would get — on ABC and CNN and ESPN and even FOX — for taking a break from swing state campaigning to go watch "his" beloved BoSox try to clinch the Series.

Of course, the way the Boston is playing, there might not be a Game 6 or 7. As of this writing, the Red Sox are on their way to winning their sixth consecutive game against a team that won 100 games during the regular season. I have got to think that is a record, as must be the number of errors that the Red Sox are now making in the World Series along the way. Paging Tim Kurkjian.

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