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July 04, 2005

Yet Another Query

Here, Google is of no help. As you Head West on the north side of the Washington Beltway between miles 32-33 or so, you see this giant building sticking up over the foliage, with several narrow towers and tall spires. On top of the foremost spire is something that looks like a figurine of a guy pointing a magic wand toward the East. What is that building?

My girlfriend and I have speculated that it belongs to the Mormons or the Masons, but both seem rather unlikely; I don't think either group believes in magic wands.

UPDATE: A Friend of Crescat quickly points out that it is indeed a Mormon Temple.

SECOND UPDATE: And another points out that the chap with the magic wand is actually the Angel Moroni who will turn to face Salt Lake City shortly before the end of the world.

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