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August 06, 2005


Tailing a car today in the D.C. suburbs (on the way back from a delicious feast prepared by Crescat's Raffi) I encountered a very strange bumper sticker. It was black letters on yellow background and it read:

Sinh huv han tu vo ky rui mai khuat nui de lai gi cho con?

I have realized in hindsight that this is probably Vietnamese text, and there were lots of dots above the words which I failed to transcribe accurately. The car had a vanity plate that read AXA EQ.

Does anybody have any idea what any of this means? I tried some online translators but to no avail. I have opened Comments.

[Incidentally, the food (chicken livers, olives, cornichons, roast peppers and garlic, bread, roast chickens, tabbouleh, Alsatian Riesling, strawberry tart) was grand-- this is the first time I have verified Raffi's skills firsthand. Maybe he will blog about it later.]

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