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September 02, 2005

Who Should Own the Public Levees?

I have a longish post on levees, government, and blame at the Yale Federalist Society Blog.

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One of many sidelines to the horrific disaster in New Orleans is the fate of lawyers and law students at Tulane and Loyola-NO. A huge number of law schools have opened their doors in more- or less- limited capacities for students (usually upperclassmen) to complete a term or two elsewhere without having to pay any additional tuition. This list of schools is here.

The law schools include Texas, Penn, UCLA, Berkeley, Georgetown, Michigan, NYU, Columbia, Chicago, Harvard, and Stanford. As of yet, they do not include Yale.

UPDATE: (9:00 A.M., Saturday)

Yale Law School -added Friday September 2nd, 6:45 pm-New Haven, CT

Yale Law School is ready to receive visiting applications from second and third-year students from the affected law schools. Because we are a small school, we can only offer a few spaces, and will necessarily give preference to students who have special reasons to be here. We will also be looking, in the months ahead, for ways to support lawyers, judges, and other legal institutions in the affected areas. For more information, including application information, please visit www.law.yale.edu.

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