Will Baude   Amy Lamboley   Amanda Butler   Jonathan Baude  Peter Northup   Beth Plocharczyk   Greg Goelzhauser   Heidi Bond   Sudeep Agarwala   Jeremy Reff   Leora Baude

December 16, 2005

Volvos, redux

Mine is dead. Or rather I think the alternator on my 850 is dead. And my car is sitting on 114th St between Broadway and Amsterdam, in a spot it should be moved from between 7:30 and 8:00 AM tomorrow morning, with no power, in a cold weekend just before a massive transit strike. Suggestions?

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Communication Failures

The antenna broke off of my cell phone, meaning it transmits and receives calls only on rare occasion. I apparently can't get a new one because I have a cell phone plan that no longer exists, and therefore have to basically begin de novo. But if I do that, then I don't know which phone company to choose, so I'm simply putting off dealing with it for now.

Add to that that my Eudora account is having a massive meltdown, wherein it alternates between trying to delete all of the messages in my inbox and then downloading them in triplicate. The dissonance of attempting to do both has finally caught up with it, so now it mostly complains about its inability to both corrupt and purify at the same time.

Finally, my current guest-blog, Prawfsblawg (As well as many other Typepad blogs, I'm told) is having a malfunction of its own whereby the front page refuses to update.

I will leave all of these problems behind and head to Boston later tonight in order to have an antiquated in personem chat with co-blogger Sudeep, harkening back to the many late nights where we kept all of his or my roommates awake drinking tea and arguing about the syncopation in Eminem late into the night. More will come, as always.

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