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March 20, 2006

Plans for Sunday Evening? Or Tomorrow? Join Ours

As Patrick noted on Oxblog, the Nathan Hale Foreign Policy Society is holding two meetings this week, one on Sunday in DC, and one tomorrow in NYC.

NYC's meeting will discuss humanitarian intervention. More information, including suggested readings, is available here.
Tuesday, March 21st; 7:30pm; Nathan Hale's Bar and Grill

DC's meeting will feature Alan McPherson as a guest speaker discussing the role of anti-Americanismin in international relations. More information, including suggested readings (but not including his full book), is available here. As the suggested readings advise you to email our DC director for a copy of the third piece, it's recommended that you get ahold of at least that one before jumping on the Metro.
Sunday, March 6th; 7:00pm; Teaism at 8th and D

Traffic and leaving Boston early enough permitting, I'll be there.

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