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April 30, 2006


Normally I don't blog about the teapot-tempests that spring up on the YLS listservs. It would just be too easy, and likely of too little interest to this blog's miniscule audience. But since Amber and the XOXOHTH folks have already made this public, I think it deserves a bit of comment. The bad blood all stems from a controversy about Kiwi Camara, invited symposium attendee and perhaps-racist, whose presence at YLS inspired protests, allegations that the Journal was insufficiently sensitive to the feelings, needs, and moral stances of the rest of the community, and so on, ad nauseum. (Camara's piece, unfortunately, turned out to be patently uninteresting and underdeveloped.)

Anyway, C.J. Mahoney, our outgoing Editor-in-Chief, became the unfortunate lightning rod in this discussion, and in the larger discussions about to what degree one on-campus student organization ought to be responsive to (or sensitive to) the moral views of those who do not belong to it. As somebody who was once on the receiving end of a pistols-or-swords email, I would be inclined to take it in the good humor it was intended, but I think humor may be too much to expect of anybody at the law school at this point.

So, of course, this year's Law Revue (our annual ruthless parody, scheduled for Thursday) couldn't come at a better time. I am pretty sure a lot of feelings will be hurt, but it will be for a good cause.

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The Space

I recently had the surprising pleasure of going to The Space, a sort of coffee-shop-cum-music-venue-cum-vintage-clothing-shop-cum-warehouse in Hamden to see Tracy Grammer (whose name rang an obscure bell from my high school years). She was quite good ("Ordinary Town" was the highlight) although I could have done with fewer fiddle solos. Her opening act, on the other hand, had been hit by a car on her way to the show and played and sing rather timidly. Anyway, for those who don't mind their concerts sans alcohol and drugs, The Space is worth keeping track of.

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