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May 16, 2006

Quote of the Day

Angus, on the President:

The libertarian wing of the party thinks he's really a social conservative who doesn't really believe in limited government [except maybe tax cuts]; the social conservatives think he's a secret business conservative who occasionally panders to the religious right [on gay marriage, for instance] but only in even-numbered years. The real answer: he's just unprincipled!

[The rest of Angus's post, about Bush's immigration policy and his total failure to sell even his loyalists on it is also worth reading. I have a moral conviction in favor of open-borders, but confess that I am stymied by the problem of the second-best. I do think it is bad to have legally reified castes, and so worry about guest-worker programs or even the admission of large numbers of people who are not on a track to obtain citizenship. On the other hand, I don't think that the state has much business interfering with private decisions to hire, befriend, sell, or rent to other consenting parties, even if those parties aren't American citizens. Thus the moral conviction that we ought to find ways to make it feasible to open the gates.]

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