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August 02, 2006

The Scope of Godwin's Law

In a controversial discussion of affirmative action, Judge Richard Posner writes:

As discrimination declines, replaced by affirmative action, explanations for lagging achievement that are based on discrimination lose their plausibility. They were never entirely plausible, given Jewish achievement in the face of fierce discrimination, though it is argued by Stephen Pinker in a recent issue of the New Republic that discrimination against Jews in the Middle Ages, by forcing them into middleman occupations where intelligence is a more valued asset than in farming or soldiering, resulted in the more intelligent Jews having a higher birth rate (because they were better off) than the less intelligent Jews and so, through the operation of natural selection, discrimination can be "credited" with some of the responsibility for the high average IQ of Jews today--even its genetic component. (Hitler may have had something to do with this as well, as it is plausible that the most intelligent European Jews saw the handwriting on the wall earliest and left Europe in the 1930s before it was too late.)

Dave Hoffman responds, inter alia:
I think it is fair to say that I disagree with much of this analysis. It isn't just that the evolutionary science of intelligence is extremely complicated, which should lead us to doubt claims about the effect of time-limited selection pressures on economic outcomes. Nor is it just that Posner has violated Godwin's Law.

Now, there may be things wrong with Posner's analysis, but I don't think you can fairly construe this as a violation of Godwin's Law ("As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.") The rule prohibits comparisons to Nazis or Hitler, not mere mention of them, especially when they are being mentioned for actual historical data about their treatment of Jews, not as a simile. Just as it doesn't violate Godwin's Law or its corollaries for me to say, "The Allies defeated the Nazi forces in the 1940s," it doesn't violate G'sL for Posner to make claims about which Jews were more likely to be exterminated than others. [Whether Posner's claim is plausible, on the other hand, I cannot say.]

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Quotation of the Day

Hier stehe ich; ich kann nicht anders. Gott helfe mir! Amen.

Here I stand; I can do no other. God help me! Amen.

Martin Luther before the Diet of Worms, 1520

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