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September 04, 2005


The A-Team are people like Margret Atkinson*, an LSU grad student who spent most of Thursday "baby-sitting" for the four tiny children of a destitute woman who had gone into premature labor, and my husband's colleague Liz Murrill, who is coordinating relief efforts at her church. It's thousands of different people, including me: We already expect at least one family sharing our house for a month or two.
- from Jennifer Moses's Doubling Up in Baton Rouge, published in this Sunday's Washingon Post Outlook section

* The paper reports her name as "Margaret Atkison." It's not. 7 letters, M-a-r-g-r-e-t. And there's two n's in her last name.

I have the extreme good fortune to have been friends with Margret since first grade. She has one of the largest hearts of anyone I've ever met, and she shows it in every aspect of her character, and for this I love her. She's a truly beautiful woman, very modest about herself but always praising others, and it's an absolute delight to read that just one of her many instances of good work has been highlighted for millions to see today.

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