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September 05, 2005


I confess that for all of the fun and change of summer, and for all that my eyes would sometimes begin watering uncontrollably after too many hours spent scanning obscure Va L Rev footnotes, there is a certain relief and comfort to being back at school with familiar settings and patterns-- classes, libraries, etc.-- enveloping one.

Anyway, classes begin for me tomorrow, and it is entirely unclear what I will be taking. I am tentatively enrolled in or shopping for Property (Fennell), Admin Law (Mashaw), Crim (Kahan), IP (Smith), Tax and Development (Zolt), Prosecution clinic (Pottenger), Common Law (Langbein), Water (Rose), Dissenting (Gerken) and Labor Law (Sachs).

The astute will notice that this totals 29 credit-hours of class, which is almost double what I am permitted, so I'm going to have to reduce this over the next week. I'm not actually enrolled in all of these classes either, so that too may prove a constraint.

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