March 10, 2006

This post probably does not belong in the public forum, but first glimpse of the title of Will's post below, "To SF," had me yearning for an m-dash, or maybe a colon, and some sort of explanation (something imitating Horace, maybe--Gadis aditure &c, &c--or maybe Hopkins--are you grieving &c, &c). Something on the order of "it was good times, of course, but now our Halcyon days have come to close. The Mediterranean is drowning Orion, Dido's luck (excuse the ecphrasis, dearest), our folly." This is not to say the post was uninformative or bad (and I encourage you all to read it), but it was sort having my mouth ready for a Baby Ruth, and misordering from the vending machine to recieve Twizzlers: they're both good, only one not as satisfying as the other since I was expecting one and not the other. I have no one to blame but myself.

Forgive me, I'm very tired (and extremely good looking...)--

Again, (I repeat) this post probably does not belong in the public forum. Many apologies.



06:01 PM

Now that I have had my meeting with Professor Ellickson about my still-nascent S.A.W. (he called it "shaggy"), I am actually on spring break (UPDATE: An "S.A.W." is a Supervised Analytic Writing, one of the required hoops through which YLS grads must jump). Journal mania will continue at its almost typical clip, but I will be participating remotely.

For the first part of next week I will be returning to San Francisco, which I visited once in 9th grade with my mother. My major recollections from that trip are Alcatraz, Ghirardelli Square, falling into the mud near the Exploratorium, a very very odd tour guide named "WW", and the beginnings of my beliefs that something was very strange about bankruptcy law. This time, I anticipate a rather different itinerary.

[For the second part of next week I will be back once again in Bloomington, to reunite with my family and others.]

Anyway, I will probably have my computer, but be distracted by other things rather than blogging and emailing at length. Which, of course, renders next week no different from all other weeks this semester.


Splitting Up

12:41 PM

In response to my suggestion below that Yale Law School split away from the university to become the Alexander Bickel College of Law and thus be able to kick out military recruiters without de-funding the medical school, PG challenges:

(T)hey're likely to be met with ever-wider definitions of what constitutes federal support, including loans. Is there a private law school in the country that could remain open without government-backed funding for its students' tuition fees?

Angus suggested this same problem to me a few days ago in the lounge, and my back-of-the-envelope estimate suggests that Yale could very easily fund the interest-increment for some private loans thus giving enrolled students de facto subsidized loans. (Many of which it ends up forgiving anyway through its very generous public-interest program.) It may be that many other law schools could not afford to do this, but my proposal was meant to be specific, not general.



10:30 AM

David Foster Wallace (in hip, campy, cutting-edge-high-school-mockery) discusses (or discussed) the politics of English.

(via Fever to Tell)


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